Chicago Zine Fest 2013 has started planning again. Our kick off fundraiser is tomorrow night! I'm really excited about it. I drew this flyer to promote it.
I haven't had much of a chance to draw or write lately due to the teacher strike and working a lot of extra hours and also picking back up on Zine Fest stuff. That should change in October! I plan to get a lot of work done.
Today I got a message from someone who bought my book on etsy telling me that she bought it for this little girl named Stella who is living with a fatal brain tumor. Her mom actually writes a blog about her life here: http://stellabrunermethven.com/ It's kind of incredible the way the internet has allowed us to share our lives with each other. I'm really touched and honored that this little girl is going to read my book. And I am wishing the best for her and her family.
Sometimes, I should reread my own book and remember it's all about keeping perspective.